Corpus of Spoken Yiddish in Europe

Glosses | גלאָסעס

Welcome to Glosses, a collection of short articles exploring Yiddish language and culture through materials from the Corpus of Spoken Yiddish in Europe. Written by members of the CSYE team and colleagues, these pieces offer new insights and discoveries on topics ranging from linguistic features of understudied dialects to distinctive cultural practices of Yiddish-speaking communities.

This section also includes teaching guides designed to be integrated into Yiddish language courses, benefiting students and instructors alike. These articles aim to bridge the gap between empirical linguistic research and practical language learning, while bringing the voices and narratives of native Yiddish speakers into the classroom.

Yiddish Language Pedagogy

Pronunciation Guide: Syllabic /n/
Pronunciation Guide: Syllabic /n/

Isaac L. Bleaman


Survivor Profiles and Linguistic Observations

<i>Yokhelish</i>: Reflections on the Language of Fania Brantsovskaya (1922–2024)
Yokhelish: Reflections on the Language of Fania Brantsovskaya (1922–2024)

Benjamin Sadock

<i>Far vos ni(sh)t?</i>: Exploring the Geography of Negation
Far vos ni(sh)t?: Exploring the Geography of Negation

Benjamin Sadock

<i>Ni(sh)to – far vos?</i>: Exploring the Geography of Negation (Part 2)
Ni(sh)to – far vos?: Exploring the Geography of Negation (Part 2)

Benjamin Sadock

Yielding the Floor in Conversation
Yielding the Floor in Conversation

Eli Jany
