Corpus of Spoken Yiddish in Europe

Sara Ziskroit

Sara Ziskroit (thumbnail photo)


Vidzy (װידז)

South Fallsburg, New York, USA


From the collection of the USC Shoah Foundation


Tape Speaker Content
קאַסעט רעדער אינהאַלט


Additional transcript formats, including Praat (.TextGrid) and ELAN (.eaf), are available in our GitHub repository.

Cite this testimony

If you use this testimony in your work, we request that you include both of these references:

  • Bleaman, Isaac L., and Chaya R. Nove. In press. The Corpus of Spoken Yiddish in Europe: Goals, methods, and applications. Language Documentation & Conservation.
  • Ziskroit, Sara. 1995. Interview 5353. USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive. USC Shoah Foundation. Accessed .
  • @Article{Bleaman_Nove-inpress,
        author     = {Isaac L. Bleaman and Chaya R. Nove},
        journal    = {Language Documentation \& Conservation},
        title      = {The {Corpus} of {Spoken} {Yiddish} in {Europe}: Goals, Methods, and Applications},
        year       = {in press}
        author     = {Sara Ziskroit},
        note       = {USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive},
        publisher  = {USC Shoah Foundation},
        title      = {Interview 5353},
        urldate    = {},
        year       = {1995}

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