Corpus of Spoken Yiddish in Europe

User Guide

User instructions to come: how to navigate, search, file formats, etc. What “tapes” are. Conventions for transcription (incl. filled pauses, UNK, <>/(), etc.)

Terms of Use

The interviews included in the Corpus of Spoken Yiddish in Europe are made available by the USC Shoah Foundation. The USC Shoah Foundation owns the intellectual property rights, including copyrights, to all its video-recorded interviews and all their metadata, as well as the code and database structures that power the Visual History Archive and related storage, production, and post-production systems. Those who access the CSYE are obligated to abide by the USC Shoah Foundation Terms of Use, pertaining specifically to USC SF materials. Users of the CSYE acknowledge that they have read and agree to these terms.

The USC Shoah Foundation has permitted the CSYE development team to provide download access to the original audio of the testimony interviews covered under the CSYE’s license agreement. However, the videos of these interviews are being shared with CSYE users on a streaming-only basis. Any attempt to download interview video files is strictly prohibited.

With the exception of the interview media files and their associated metadata, all materials on this website are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Creative Commons License

How to cite the corpus

Any published information from USC Shoah Foundation interviews and metadata, in whole or in part, should cite the interviews as sources; see the template below. We also request that you cite the CSYE by including a reference to our article in Language Documentation & Conservation. Citations should follow standard reference practice.

  • Interviewee’s name. Interview [#]. Tape [#] (if applicable). Timestamp/range of the reference (if applicable). USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive. USC Shoah Foundation. Year of interview. Date of access.

  • Bleaman, Isaac L., and Chaya R. Nove. 2025. The Corpus of Spoken Yiddish in Europe: Goals, Methods, and Applications. Language Documentation & Conservation 19: 142–157.

To help you put together your source lists and bibliographies, an example reference is provided on the bottom of every testimony page in the CSYE.