Corpus of Spoken Yiddish in Europe

Testimonies Index

The CSYE currently contains 226.2 hours of transcribed recordings from 132 testimony interviews (482 tapes). Of these, 32.8 hours of transcripts (72 tapes) have been reviewed and are available in both the Yiddish alphabet and Latin transliteration. The remaining transcripts are available only in Latin transliteration. Please return here to find the latest additions to the corpus.

  Survivor Interview # City of Birth
Enia Luks (thumbnail) Enia Luks 17055 Mokobody (מאָנקעבאָד)
Ignatz Marmorosch (thumbnail) Ignatz Marmorosch 23201 Chernivtsi (טשערנעװיץ)
Ishaiagu Matusevich (thumbnail) Ishaiagu Matusevich 11342 Kaunas (קאָװנע)
Icek Mekler (thumbnail) Icek Mekler 18804 Radom (ראָדעם)
Simon Mensher (thumbnail) Simon Mensher 22290 Kosmach (קאָסמאַטש)
Dvorah Minin (thumbnail) Dvorah Minin 28443 Šiauliai (שאַװל)
Chana Moncharsh (thumbnail) Chana Moncharsh 28054 Opatów (אַפּט)
Echyoshas Mosshovitchus (thumbnail) Echyoshas Mosshovitchus 37561 Kaunas (קאָװנע)
Sholom Natanzon (thumbnail) Sholom Natanzon 33535 Căușeni (קאַושאַן)
Zigmund Neufeld (thumbnail) Zigmund Neufeld 14243 Warsaw (װאַרשע)