Corpus of Spoken Yiddish in Europe

Testimonies Index

The CSYE currently contains 32.7 hours of transcribed recordings from 30 testimony interviews (71 tapes). Please return here to see the latest additions to the corpus.

  Survivor Interview # City of Birth
Masha Rolnikaite (thumbnail) Masha Rolnikaite 625 Klaipėda (מעמל)
Jacob Ruppo (thumbnail) Jacob Ruppo 1012 Dzisna (דיסנע)
Dora Shapiro (thumbnail) Dora Shapiro 29742 Švenčionys (סװענציאַן)
Smuelis Shrage (thumbnail) Smuelis Shrage 13032 Kalniukas (קאַלניוק)
Sara Starkman (thumbnail) Sara Starkman 16804 Ostrów Lubelski (קלײן־אָסטראָװע)
Gersonas Susteris (thumbnail) Gersonas Susteris 11694 Alytus (אַליטע)
Basia Tishmanene (thumbnail) Basia Tishmanene 18014 Kaunas (קאָװנע)
Sheytah Zilber (thumbnail) Sheytah Zilber 27396 Kretinga (קרעטינגע)
Sara Ziskroit (thumbnail) Sara Ziskroit 5353 Vidzy (װידז)
Fajwel Zylberberg (thumbnail) Fajwel Zylberberg 15823 Warsaw (װאַרשע)