Corpus of Spoken Yiddish in Europe

Testimonies Index

The CSYE currently contains 226.2 hours of transcribed recordings from 132 testimony interviews (482 tapes). Of these, 32.8 hours of transcripts (72 tapes) have been reviewed and are available in both the Yiddish alphabet and Latin transliteration. The remaining transcripts are available only in Latin transliteration. Please return here to find the latest additions to the corpus.

  Survivor Interview # City of Birth
Élsa Schwartz (thumbnail) Élsa Schwartz 43032 Újfehértó (ראַצפֿערט)
Dora Shapiro (thumbnail) Dora Shapiro 29742 Švenčionys (סװענציאַן)
Ela Shapiro (thumbnail) Ela Shapiro 23518 Zalepūgai (זאַלעפּוגײַ?)
Avraham Sherman (thumbnail) Avraham Sherman 34929 Opatów (אַפּט)
Leon Sherman (thumbnail) Leon Sherman 28234 Ćmielów (טשעמעלעװ)
Kalman Shlomovich (thumbnail) Kalman Shlomovich 38082 Kolochava (קלאָטשאַװע)
Moysey Shneyder (thumbnail) Moysey Shneyder 20869 Uzlyany (אוזליאַן)
Smuelis Shrage (thumbnail) Smuelis Shrage 13032 Kalniukas (קאַלניוק)
Dov Shtabziv (thumbnail) Dov Shtabziv 15476 Warsaw (װאַרשע)
Yeva Shteynerberg (thumbnail) Yeva Shteynerberg 9435 Teleneşti (טעלענעשט)