Corpus of Spoken Yiddish in Europe

This tool maps the geographic distribution of words across the Corpus of Spoken Yiddish in Europe. Enter one term to map its distribution, or two terms to compare their relative usage. Search terms must be written in transliteration.

Note: This page requires your device to load all CSYE transcripts at once, which may take a few moments.

By default, this performs whole-word searches. For example, searching for nit will only match the exact word nit, not nito or geshnitn. If you need more flexibility, check the "Use regular expressions" box for regex pattern matching. This will allow you to search with partial words and/or match other more complex patterns.

The map shows each survivor's birthplace. (Interviewers are not included in search results.) For single-term searches, blue indicates usage while gray indicates no usage. For two-term searches, red means the first term is more common, and blue means the second is more common.

  • Try mapping the use of deys ('this').
  • Compare gelozt vs. gelozn ('let'), or bobe vs. babe ('grandmother').
  • For advanced pattern matching with regular expressions, try:
    • der yingl vs. dos yingl ('the boy')
    • khoydesh|khadoshim vs. monatn? (singular and plural forms of 'month' mapped together)